Donation Levels:
What do they mean?
News Recipient ($25) is pretty self-explanatory. Donor receives a quarterly newsletter.
Conservation Ally ($50) equals approximately the cost of maintaining 1 reserve for a year: gas for chainsaws and/or weedwhackers, trash bags for clean-up, etc.
Steward Supporter ($100) covers multiple reserves as outlined above.
Resource Partner ($500) underwrites the cost of a few of our annual events (Enchanted Forest Events, for instance), covering snacks, children's crafts, etc.
Any Monetary Donation allows you to make a dedicated donation for a specific project (Pollinator Amphitheater, Pavilion, etc.) that would be restricted to that particular project OR to donate outside of the pre-set levels.
**Any qualifying donation ($25 or more) receives automatic membership. We do not give "premiums" (tote bags, etc), so there is no exclusive benefit of membership... 100% of donation goes to land acquisition, events, and the costs associated with being an accredited, nationally recognized land trust. AND, 100% of a donation is tax-deductible, whereas a membership fee is not.