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Morosini Reserve
Morosini Farm Rd, Murrysville, PA 15632
​N 40° 25.493 W 079° 34.939
Location (map is interactive)
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Our Wildlife Observation Blind was partially funded with a grant from the former Dominion Resources. It is accessible to the mobility-challenged and viewable for all heights!

Days Gone By

Raising the Barn

Westmoreland Conservancy was approached in 2012 about protecting the Morosini Farm. The property was very different from the sloped, densely wooded properties that had been acquired in the past. This area had been farmed since before the Civil War, so it is largely open, rolling fields divided by strips of woodlands. The donor, Aldene Morosini, wanted to honor her late husband’s wishes to protect the property, and was very happy to know that it could be accomplished. She left the property as a beneficial gift in her will.
The 183-acre Morosini Reserve is home to the Universal Pedestrian Trail: a 2000’ long surfaced trail allowing those with mobility issues to enjoy a walk out to the pond, and our Wildlife Observation Blind. It is also the site of several Boy Scout Eagle projects and high school community service projects.
The northeastern field of the reserve is the site of the Graft Pollinator Project, funded by a generous donation from David & Diane Graft and a grant from Berkshire Hathaway Energy. This project features a protected area for beehives and a natural meadow comprised of specially chosen native plants, grasses, shrubs and trees to provide food and habitat not only for the honeybees, but for all species of native bees and pollinators.
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